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Hi there!

Welcome to my blog. This is where I store all of my recipes that help me to live a health lifestyle. J’espere que vous trouverez des belles recettes qui vous encourageront à vivre votre plus belle vie!

Citrus and Kale Smoothie

Citrus and Kale Smoothie

So I spent many years not thinking about my skin at all. And then recently, partly due to having moved to Ottawa and realizing the drying effects of the cold here, I noticed that my skin needed some serious TLC. I debated for a while, and then decided to spend a good chunk of cash on a “citrus and kale” serum. It did wonders for my face! I was amazed. But then I came back to the basic principle that our skin, like everything else, is made up of what we put in our bodies! So I set out to get all of the skin benefits of citrus fruit and kale through this awesome smoothie. I hope you like it!


1 grapefruit, cut into slices

1 orange, cut into slices

Juice and zest from 1/2 lemon

Juice and zest from 1/4 lime

1 banana

1-2 cups kale leaves

1/2 an avocado

Any supplements you wish to add

Water - enough to reach your desired consistency

Honey to taste, if you need more sweetness

Toss it all in a blender and enjoy! I find this makes a massive portion, but a lot of it is water and it gets protein only from the avocado so don’t be afraid to down the whole thing yourself. I sip it throughout the morning.

Hot Apple Cider Smoothie

Hot Apple Cider Smoothie